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Fan club

To represent Brasil at international level implies, traveling, having decent ski material and a lot of training. I am still too young to travel on my own, so my mum has to accompany me. (She will also need to take my little brother along who cannot stay home alone).

Brasil is a poor country and over there, ski is considered to be a sport for the rich. So support from my country of origin will be minimal. The financial investment involved in getting up to Olympic level will be too heavy for my mum's salary, as she also has to raise my two brothers. My parents are divorced and my dad can only marginally participate in my mum's efforts.

Therefore, in order to help out my mum in this venture, I am inviting all my friends to support me... All contributions, however modest or symbolical, will be most welcome.

Knowing that numerous friends support me will also boost my courage. It is not an easy thing to pursue school education and high level sport side by side... not to speak of the cold and the lack of oxygen on the peaks and slopes of the Andes!

I'll keep all my "fans" regularly informed of my results and feats and... if I win, will throw up a big party together!

In order to be part of the fans club, please contribute to my expenses by sending the amount of your choice on my account entitled "Fan club ski Maya" (see contact page).

The list of fans and contributors (except for those who wish not to) is to the right. For the detail of income and expenditure related to my competition, see the link"Accounts" below.

Thanks dear fan for your support and friendship.


Fan club members/ Those who support me

- Titti (Candida Toscani) : my grandmother

- Nelly Spadavecchia, Onex Sports : she helps me to find my competition material

- Jacques Albohair : has designed my website and updates it voluntarily

- and the others... (upcoming)













Maya Harrisson - ski competitions top